In Brian Klemmer's book, The Compassionate Samurai, he addresses ways that you can become the person you want to be. If you visualized the ideal you, how would you look, feel, and behave?
It can be helpful to write the details on paper. For instance, how much do you weigh, what is your waist size, what color clothes do you wear? Do you feel confident, joyful, energetic? As a parent, are you patient? As a spouse or partner are you loving and compassionate? Are you a thoughtful communicator? Be specific. Give yourself enough time to list as many characteristics as you can think of. This list may extend over several pages.
When you're done, you will have what we call the impeccable eye, the ultimate you. The idea behind this exercise is that each of us visualizes 100 percent of the time. Everybody does it; there's no way around it. And what we visualize is what our lives will be like (to discover what our subconscious sees, all it takes is a look at the reality in our lives). The impeccable eye will give your mind something new to visualize, which will help you move in the direction you want to go.
After completing your list, make copies and put the list in prominent places where you will be sure to see it — on the bathroom mirror, on top of the pile in your briefcase, in front of your kitchen sink. At least once a day, read your impeccable eye to reinforce that picture of the ideal you.
Another thing you can do is print the impeccable eye onto one or more 3 X 5 cards, laminate them and carry them around in your pocket, purse or car. When you're standing in line at the bank or supermarket, or when you're stopped at a red light, pull out the cards and read them. Or, add the list to a "notepad" app on your smart phone. Again, each of us visualizes 100 percent of the time. Why not give your subconscious something constructive to focus on and move your life in the direction you want to go?