“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” —Robert A. Heinlein
Whether you are in a new loving relationship or one that you have shared with a significant other for years, an important thing to consider is how to keep the romance alive. How do you make a relationship work over time? How do you keep the passion burning when challenges arise? How can you make it fun? And how can you make sure it lasts?
It seems easy and natural to be romantic when the relationship is young. For many, however, romance wanes with time. Couples begin to take one another for granted, they get overwhelmed with the challenges of life, and romance can be put to the side. Relationships will often end because one or both parties say they “lost the passion.” They say they no longer love the other person. I believe, however, that relationships fall apart because of the beliefs or expectations one or both parties have around relationship and romance.
My suggestion is that it is not the length of time that hinders romance in a relationship. Rather, it is how you define romance and the assumptions or expectations of what romance should be, based on your definition, that can hinder romance. Romance is a subjective concept. Each individual has his or her own idea of what romance is and what it should be. What one person believes is romantic can be very different from what his or her partner believes. And herein lies the problem. Differing viewpoints on what romance is often lead to disappointment and can create friction between couples.
For me, romance isn’t an agenda. It isn’t manipulation. There’s no expectation. It isn’t about going through the motions. A candle-lit dinner with wine and flowers is nice. Many would consider that romantic, and it can be. However, romance doesn’t have to look like that. Romance can be anything you and your partner want it to be.
Throughout my 25 years of being a facilitator and coach for Klemmer Leadership Training, I have worked with thousands of people who want more joy, fun, and romance in their relationships. Very often, they want the other person in the relationship to provide those things for them. And that is the problem. Building Wildly Romantic Long-Lasting Relationships requires your personal investment and commitment. How do you relate to your partner? How do you create value for your partner? What do you bring to that relationship in terms of fun and passion? How do you communicate with your loved one? How do you make it fun? What can your partner depend on you for?
I have been married to my husband for 47 years. It has been a wonderful marriage. Don’t get me wrong. There have most certainly been some bumps in the road and mountains I got to climb. And yet, every day I feel blessed to be married to this incredible man. My husband and I don’t allow circumstances to determine what happens in our relationship. We know challenges will come and we also know our commitment to one another can always find a solution to the challenge. Whatever the challenge, I know I can bring compassion, strength, forgiveness, and courage to weather the storm.
Romance is experienced when I come from that loving space of consideration for my husband. And he consistently demonstrates consideration and commitment to me. When our communication and our actions are initiated from that space, then it’s exciting, fun, and romantic. Coincidentally, when we each feel acknowledged and accepted; when we choose to be spontaneous and have fun together, we look forward to spending more time together. We are in sync with one another, committed to one another, and that is why the relationship lasts.
In an effort to support and encourage those who want to build romantic relationships that last, I have created the Wildly Romantic Long Lasting Relationship Pod. I am confident that this course will provide opportunities to create more trust, openness, romance, and joy in your relationship. Let me address some of the questions you might have regarding this course.
Who is this course for? The Wildly Romantic Long-Lasting Relationships Pod is for anyone who seeks to create or foster romance and longevity in their relationship.
When should a person enroll in this Pod? How soon do you want to experience more joy, trust, and closeness in your relationship? Today is a great time to enroll in this course. Whether you are seeking a romantic relationship or want to bring more joy and passion to your existing relationship, the Wildly Romantic Long Lasting Relationship Pod will provide opportunities for you to experience greater results right away.
What can a person expect from this Pod? The Wildly Romantic Long Lasting Relationship Pod provides opportunities for individuals and/or couples to explore their definitions of romance and consider new possibilities. It is an opportunity to take stock in your relationships, notice the messages you are sending, and give yourself permission to connect in more joyful and intimate ways. You will have opportunities to give, and notice that in giving, you receive. You’ll also have an opportunity to receive, and notice that in receiving, you are also giving.
Who will be leading the Pod? I (Diane) will be your online guide for the duration of this Pod.
What is included in this Pod? The Wildly Romantic Long Lasting Relationships Pod consists of:
6 online sessions taking place once a week for 6 weeks on Zoom.
Opportunities to explore your beliefs regarding relationship and romance through journaling.
Challenges to create new opportunities for romance, applying new tools into your routine or daily life.
Opportunities to celebrate your relationship through the use of photos, notes, cards, videos, and self-expression.
I am confident that this practice will open new doors for you to have the Wildly Romantic Long Lasting Relationship you desire. There is no better time than now to embrace the opportunity to refresh, to renew, and to enjoy the moments you spend with the person you love the most. There is no better time than now to bring the best of yourself to your relationship. There is no better time than now to assure your partner you can be trusted, and that he/she can count on you. There is no better time than now to embrace the best that life has to offer. Enrollment for this pod is open now.